Perfect Balance


Magnificent Orb

Above and below are photos of some of Anny's sculptures, as well as of her at a gallery opening and carving.

Click the links on the right for more views and information.

A Little About Her Life...

Anny has always had many interests and has followed many paths. She was a petroleum geologist and a part time sculptor, and later added teaching yoga to her bag. Since retiring from the geological world, she has expanded her sculpting activities and maintained the regular practice and teaching of yoga.

...and About Her Sculpting

Anny began sculpting in Houston while pregnant with her second child. Her most important learning occurred when she became an apprentice to an old German stone cutter who cut benches and slabs by hand. She continued to learn and experiment on her own and at Marble-Marble workshops, and now works in the studio she and her husband built in their backyard.


The ABC Gallery
ABC at Work
The ABC Story
The Owl at Rice U. Opening Night at work at Marble-Marble